Forté Agent

Last Updated on: 3rd December 2023, 12:52 pm

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Category: Network
Subcategory: Email Clients, Newsreader
Platform: Windows
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
First release: 1994

Forté Agent – an email and Usenet news client developed by Mark Sidell and the team at Forté Internet Software in 1994. Originally called Forte Advanced Management Systems, Forté Internet Software, produced in the 1980s and 1990s enterprise-level products including network optimization and station administration tools that were licensed by Nortel Networks. In 1996, Forté created Adante, software for managing high volumes of inbound corporate email.

– MegaJoin for Usenet and NZB Binaries – Agent provides a better user experience by joining related Usenet headers into a single “Mega” message that can reduce the number of messages in a binary newsgroup by a factor of 100. MegaJoin is a proprietary pattern-matching technology developed for Agent and does not require any additional 3rd party software.
– Automatic Joining of RAR and Split Binaries – Agent will automatically download and join archived RAR or Split files. Now you can watch or listen to media files without any hassles.
– Automatic Repair of Damaged Binaries – Agent will automatically download only the PAR files needed to repair a damaged file. You don’t have to do a thing because Agent does it all for you.
– Text Newsgroups – Provides a rich set of commands for search, navigation, and filtering for text newsgroups.
– Multiple Email Accounts – Collects email from multiple POP accounts, sends via multiple SMTP servers.
– Safe Internet Email – Send and receive email seamlessly from multiple POP accounts and SMTP servers while avoiding viruses and trojans.
– Safe HTML Messages – Render HTML on your terms and only download images from contacts you trust.
– Multiple News Servers – Agent can get headers and bodies independently from different servers. If one server becomes unavailable Agent will automatically switche to a different server.
– Virtual News Servers – Agent will automatically combine content from multiple servers to fill in missing messages.
– Optimized Downloads – Agent automatically utilizes the maximum number of connections available on all your news servers while Agent’s Task Manager prioritizes header and body downloads in parallel.
– Video File Previews – Agent enables you to download and preview a small sample of a RAR archive to ensure you are downloading the content you expect. After previewing the video, you can download the remaining files with a single click.
– Password Detection and Notification – Agent samples each media file to determine if a password is necessary to extract the content. If a media file requires a password then Agent prompts you to decide how to proceed. You can instruct Agent to always to cancel password-protected RAR downloads to avoid scams and other malicious content.
– Picture Preview – Agent allows you to preview binary images while you download so you can quickly and easily sample newsgroups to ensure you get the content you expect. Watch the Binary Pictures tutorial to learn more.
– Saving Attachments – Agent gives you complete control over how and where to save binary files on you computer. Watch the Binary Attachments tutorial to learn more.

The application can be try within 30 days trial.

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