CMS Made Simple

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Content Management System
Platform: Cross-platform
License: GNU GPL
Interface: Web-interface
Wikipedia: CMS Made Simple
First release: 2004

CMS Made Simple – an open-source Content Management System. It’s built using PHP and the Smarty Engine, which keeps content, functionality, and templates separated.

CMS Made Simple first released in July 2004 as an open source (GPL) package, which it remains to this day. That separation of content , function and design has been a key ethic from day one and it’s why so many of our users stop looking for further solutions once they have found us.

CMSMS is developed by an international team of professionals who volunteer their time and efforts to design, develop, maintain, and market the system. In many cases this is in addition to running busy web and software development businesses themselves.

CMS Made Simple’s core provides for powerful expansion through the use of the Smarty templating engine, a robust module API, and the ability to include your own PHP functions via User Defined Tags. Combined, these provide the ability to make your sites into powerful applications while keeping the content and design separate. You have the option to choose between file or database templates (including template inheritance), complete control over caching, and a granular permissions system.

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