Last Updated on: 30th November 2023, 09:35 pm

Web site: icq.com
Category: Network
Subcategory: Instant Messengers
Platform: Android, iOS, Linux, OS X, Windows, Web
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
First release: November 15, 1996

ICQ – a convenient and easy to use messenger service. It offers application clients for mobile devices such as Android and iOS, and desktop machines which works under Linux, OS X and MS Windows, and a web browser client as well.

– securely encrypted calls
– high-quality video calls
– speech-to-text for voice messages
– ability to create your own stickers
– animated 3D masks and video calls
– groups and channels
– chat synchronization across all devices

The project started and was developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis in 1996, the client was bought by AOL in 1998, and then by Mail.Ru Group in 2010.

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