
Last Updated on: 17th November 2023, 07:28 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Email Clients
Platform: BSD, Linux, UNIX-like, Windows
License: GPL
Interface: CLI
First release: 1995

Mutt – a small but very powerful text-based mail client for Unix operating systems. Though written from scratch, Mutt’s initial interface was based largely on the ELM mail client. To a large extent, Mutt is still very ELM-like in presentation of information in menus (and in fact, ELM users will find it quite painless to switch as the default key bindings are identical).

Main Mutt features are:
– color support
– message threading
– MIME support
– various features to support mailing lists, including list-reply
– POP3 and IMAP support
– full control of message headers when composing
– support for multiple mailbox formats (mbox, MMDF, MH, maildir)
– highly customizable, including keybindings and macros
– change configuration automatically based on recipients, current folder, etc.
– searches using regular expressions, including an internal pattern matching language
– Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support
– postpone message composition indefinetly for later recall
– easily include attachments when composing, even from the command line
– ability to specify alternate addresses for recognition of mail forwarded from other accounts, with ability to set the From: headers on replies/etc. accordingly
– multiple message tagging
– reply to or forward multiple messages at once
– .mailrc style configuration files
– translation into at least 20 languages

Mutt was originally written by Michael Elkins but is now developed and maintained by the members of the Mutt development mailing list.

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