Personal Knowbase

Web site:
Category: Office
Subcategory: Notes
Platform: Windows
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
Wikipedia: Personal Knowbase
First release: 1998

Personal Knowbase – an application designed to create and manage a note database. Personal Knowbase was developed in 1998 by CompuServe Information Service as an example of a personal knowledge base.

Text notes are organized in a simple, linear list. Notes do not organize themselves hierarchically. Search for notes is performed by specifying keywords. This type of search was inherent in research databases that were developed in the 1990s. For example, such as Knowledge Index and CompuServe’s file library. Keyword search is used in MS Help. Another name for tag search.

Notes in the program can be filtered by various criteria – by keywords, by date or the presence of attachments.

To distribute the database of notes stored in the closed format of free use Personal Knowbase, the free software Personal Knowbase Reader is used, which allows you to read them.

– Reduce paper clutter.
– Save hard disk space by consolidating small text files.
– Gather related information together.
– Find your information easily.
– Protect your private information with passwords.
– Cross-reference your notes with hypertext links.

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