Boost Note

Last Updated on: 13th December 2023, 01:48 pm

Web site:
Category: Office
Subcategory: Notes
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI, Web-interface
First release: 2016

Boost Note – a document driven project management tool that maximizes remote DevOps team velocity.

– Markdown Co-authoring – Write documents as a team with Boost Note’s realtime editing.
– Multi Platform – Collaboration happens from anywhere, anytime. Choose your favorite env from web, desktop and mobile apps.
– Comments and Mentions – Add comments to the whole document or specific parts of it, and mention members to let know.
– Developer Friendly UI/UX – There are many management tools out there, but it’s not always developer-friendly. Boost Note offers a customizable workspace based on developer’s needs.
– Public API – Manage your docs programatically. You can easily issue an authentication token and access Boost Note’s APIs via simple HTTP requests.
– Importing and Exporting – Import your existing documents from other tools and export documents from Boost Note into pdf, html and markdown files.
– Integrated with your tools – Boost Note keeps everyone aligned and working more efficiently. Developers, designers, and peers – all collaborating in one tool.

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