Web site: garage.maemo.org/projects/conboy (not active)
Category: Office
Subcategory: Notes
Platform: Maemo
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 2009
Conboy – a note taking application that works as a desktop wiki on the Maemo platform. Conboy can read and write the Tomboy file format to be compatible with Tomboy on Linux, Mac and Windows.
It is a port of the famous Tomboy program to the tablet. Conboy reads and writes files that are compatible with Tomboy. Written completely in C it starts fast and doesn’t take much memory.
– Full-text search over all notes
– Text formatting like bold, italic, small, big, etc.
– Automatic saving of all changes (including cursor position)
– Nested bullet lists with unlimited depth.
– Linking notes with other notes
– Automatically link to existing notes while you type
– Automatically create bullet lists if a line starts with a dash (-) or an asterix (*)
– Search inside a single note
– Notes are stored in the Tomboy note format. So they are compatible with Tomboy, GNote and Tomdroid
– Full screen mode
– Text zoom
– Last edited note shown on startup
– Integrated with Maemo-Backup
– Portrait mode on N900 for reading and selecting notes
– Automatically link to various URLs like web pages, email addresses, etc.
– Available in 19 languages
– Sharing notes as HTML via bluetooth, email or online service
– Synchronization with online services like Ubuntu One and Tomboy Online