
Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: IRC clients
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows, BSD, Solaris
License: GNU GPL
Interface: CLI
First release: 2002

Cria – a console IRC client with multiple network support, plugins, per channel pages and many other useful features. In the future cria will communicate with AOL, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo instant messengers, browse web pages with a lynx/netscape plugin and act as a p2p client.

– Socks v4 proxy support.
– Multiple network support.
– Lag meter.
– Each channel and private message has its own page.
– Color support.
– User-defined message formats.
– Message formats for english, german, spanish and finnish.
– GUI-like side-scrolling input bar with scroll arrows.
– Bar with page names and message counts for non-visible pages. Message counts change color based on message level (low, normal and high).
– Vertical page scrolling. The above message counts are also used on scrolled pages to monitor messages received while scrolling.
– Bar with channel topic/mode and user status.
– User input history.
– Aliases.
– Key binds.
– Anti-beep system, only beeps when beep character is first received, or not at all if disabled, and not every time the beep character is redisplayed.
– Highlights messages directed at you.
– A config file is loaded on the first connection to each network. This file can be used to auto-join channels. Create “nc.NETWORKNAME” files in your ~/.cria/ directory.
– Smart slash support, see HELP file for description.
– Plugin support.

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