FTP Explorer

Last Updated on: 4th December 2023, 05:55 pm

Web site: ftpx.com
Category: Network
Subcategory: File Transfer
Platform: Windows
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
First release: October 1996

FTP Explorer – an FTP client application for Windows that allows you to transfer files to and from FTP servers. Using FTP Explorer, you can easily upload or download files to your web site or other FTP server.

FTP Explorer is designed to make transferring files easy. FTP Explorer provides a familiar explorer-style user interface. You can transfer files using drag and drop between the Windows file explorer and FTP Explorer.

FTP Explorer is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

The application was originally developed in 1996 by Alan Chavis, founder of FTPx Corp.

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