
Last Updated on: 3rd December 2023, 12:02 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: IRC clients
Platform: Android
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
First release:

AndroIRC – an IRC client for Android users.

– Customizable theme – Accessible by default in a dark or light theme, AndroIRC allows you to create your custom theme with your own colors.
– Notifications – AndroIRC will notify you as soon as you have a new private message or a new highlight.
– Fully integrated interface – Available for Android 2.1 and above, AndroIRC always follows the latest Android guideline regarding user interface even for the new Jelly Bean release.
– Tablet ready – The UI adapts itself to the screen size, and you’ll be able to fully enjoy your IRC session on a larger screen.
– FiSH, SASL, Nickserv – AndroIRC supports standard authentication system like NickServ. It also has advanced features, like SASL authentication, required by freenode. You’ll also have to ability to encrypt your conversation with a full support of the FiSH protocol.
– Languages – AndroIRC is available in more than 10 languages and fully configurable to fit your needs.

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