
Last Updated on: 12th December 2023, 07:56 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Microblog Clients
Platform: Cross-platform
License: MIT
Interface: Web-interface
Wikipedia: Blosxom
First release: 2005

Blosxom – a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind.

Blogging and, indeed, any online publishing should be as simple as typing away in your favourite text editor and hitting Save. Fundamental is Blosxom’s reliance upon the file system, folders and files as its content database. Entries are plain text files like any other.

– Absolutely FREE for the taking
– Weblogging in under 15 minutes or your money back
– Minimal requirements means Blosxom runs just about anywhere.
– Write from the comfort of your favourite text editor — be it BBEdit, vi, emacs, notepad
– Makes use of all the operating system and Web server beneath its feet have to offer whether Mac OS X and Apache or Windows XP and IIS.
– Multiple Weblogs with only one Blosxom installation.
– Permalinks point to (aka bookmark) a particular story in the context of its posting day.
– By-day, by-month, and by-year “archives”.
– Flavour via a customizable template system.
– Choose between dynamic (on-the-fly) or static (spitting out regular files) rendering of your blog.
– RSS syndication.
– Small and lightweight.
– Intelligent defaults.
– Minimalist in terms of requirements and know-how, yet feature-packed and infinitely extensible via a powerful plug-in system. The Blosxom Plug-In Registry sports oodles of plug-ins to expand, extend, integrate, and delight.

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