
Web site:
Category: Office
Subcategory: Text Editors
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: MIT
Interface: GUI
First release: June 2022

ecode – a lightweight multi-platform code editor designed for modern hardware with a focus on responsiveness and performance.

It has been developed with the hardware-accelerated eepp GUI, which provides the core technology for the editor. The project comes as the first serious project using the eepp GUI, and it’s currently being developed to improve the eepp GUI library as part of one of its main objectives.

– Lightweight
– Portable
– Minimalist GUI
– Syntax Highlighting (including nested syntax highlighting, supporting over 50 languages and LSP semantic highlighting)
– Multi-cursor support
– Terminal support
– Command Palette
– LSP support
– Auto-Completion
– Customizable Linter support
– Customizable Formatter support
– Customizable Color-Schemes
– Customizable keyboard bindings
– Configurable build pipelines
– Unlimited editor splitting
– Minimap
– Fast global search (and replace)
– Customizable and scalable (non-integer) GUI (thanks to eepp GUI)
– Dark & Light Mode
– File system Tree View (with real-time file system changes)
– Smart hot-reload of files
– Folders as Projects with .gitignore support
– Per Project Settings
– Smart and fast project file locator
– Multiline search and replace
– Project/Folder state persist between sessions
– Lua pattern searches support
– Plugins support.

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