
Last Updated on: 3rd December 2023, 01:05 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Email Clients
Platform: Cross-platform
License: GPL
Interface: Web interface
First release:

IlohaMail – a PHP based lightweight full featured multilingual webmail program with IMAP and POP3 support. IlohaMail also includes a full-featured contacts manager, bookmarks manager, and scheduler.

IlohaMail is easy to use and install. It runs on a stock build of PHP, and does not require databases (although database support is available) or the IMAP library (it is powered by a custom IMAP/POP3 library). IlohaMail is not meant to be a “one size fits all” solution, nor is it meant to be the “be all end all” solution. IlohaMail aims to be flexible, modular, and capable of providing complete functionality without unnecessary glitz.

– Easy to install (only requires default build of PHP4)
– Light weight and fast
– Extensive multilingual capabilities
– Modular – Easily modifiable to accomodate different backends
– Activity Logging
– Spam Prevention
– Multiple host/domain support
– Auto-appended Tag-Lines
– Optional MySQL backend for improved scalability and performance
– External SMTP server support
– IMAP caching
– Theme support [development]

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