
Last Updated on: 27th November 2023, 04:46 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: File Transfer
Platform: cross platform
License: GPL
Interface: Web interface
First release: January 2003

net2ftp – a cross platform FTP client with a web based interface.

– can browse from directory to directory and see all the subdirectories and files
– 3 ways to upload files: the standard upload form, the upload-and-unzip functionality, and the Java Applet
– quickly download one file; multiple files can be downloaded by selecting them so will be downloaded in a zip archive
– edit text files right from your browser; every time you save the changes the new file is transferred to the FTP server. There are 4 different text editors: a plain editor, 2 WYSIWYG editors and a code editor with syntax highlighting
– edit HTML a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) form; there are 2 different editors to choose from (CKEditor and TinyMCE)
– edit HTML and PHP in an editor with syntax highlighting (Ace)
– many languages are supported: HTML, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Java, Perl, etc.
– directories are handled recursively, meaning that their content (subdirectories and files) will also be copied, moved or deleted
– Handy to import files to your FTP server, or to export files from your FTP server to another FTP server
– chmod handles directories recursively
– save zip archive on the FTP server, or email it to someone
– unzip files – the following formats are supported: .zip, .tar, .tgz and .gz
– choose from a list of popular applications (PHP required on the target server)
– filter out files based on the filename, last modification time and filesize
– calculate the size of directories and files

The project developer is David C. Gartner.

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