Last Updated on: 17th November 2023, 07:45 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: RSS Readers
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: Eclipse Public License 1.0
Interface: GUI
First release: December 19, 2004

RSSOwl – a powerful application to organize, search and read your RSS, RDF & Atom news feeds in a comfortable way. Highlights are saved searches, google reader sync, notifications, filters, fast full text search and a flexible, clean user interface. It is written in Java and built on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform which uses SWT as a widget toolkit.

– Free – You can download and use RSSOwl for free without limitations
– Cross Platform – RSSOwl can be used on all major platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X
– News Filter – Automate common actions on news items based on powerful search conditions
– Instant Search – Never miss a news anymore with RSSOwl’s powerful search engine
– Saved Searches – Searches can be saved and used like feeds
– Notifications – Be notified on news you care about most
– News Bins – Store news you think are worth keeping inside news bins
– Labels – Use Labels to associate keywords with news entries
– Supports plugins
– Import – Can import saved channels from OPML
– Export – Can export of news to PDF, RTF and HTML
– Supports keyboard shortcuts
– Can work through a proxy

The project developer is Benjamin Pasero.

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