
Last Updated on: 10th December 2023, 12:51 pm

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Category: Network
Subcategory: Forums
Platform: Cross-platform
License: GNU GPL
Interface: Web interface
First release: 2006

Simple:Press – a plugin for the WordPress content management system, offering a web forum module.

The plugin is fully modifiable and has a set of skins and icons to choose from. Simple: Press offers a flexible authorization system, which allows you to set up a private, specialized forum with the option of inviting members. It does not change the fact that setting up an open, public forum is not a problem, allowing guests to access its content.

– Theme and template driven
– Plugin system to add features
– Sub-forum support to any level
– Optional post moderation
– User level unread post handling
– Forum ranks and badges
– Image thumbnails and enlargements
– User defined Signatures
– Avatar uploads, Gravatar or WP
– A toolset for common admin tasks
– Comprehensive search options
– Forum Stats including online list
– Custom icons for groups and forums
– Comprehensive selection of RSS feed
– Custom smileys including uploads
– Store components outside of plugin
– Create hidden ‘spoilers’ in posts
– Optional support for WP shortcodes
– Email notification of posts to admins
– Powerful user group and permission system
– Can create private and/or public forums
– Optional ‘math’ spam prevention tool
– Coded to use WordPress secure routines
– Feature to prevent user access to wp admin
– Private RSS feeds for members only
– Email notification of posts to admins

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