Twitter CLI

Last Updated on: 23rd November 2023, 12:16 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Microblog Clients
Platform: Linux, UNIX-like
License: MIT
Interface: CLI
First release: November 23, 2011

Twitter CLI – a command-line power tool for Twitter. The CLI takes syntactic cues from the Twitter SMS commands, but it offers vastly more commands and capabilities than are available via SMS.

– Deep search: Instead of using the Twitter Search API, which only goes back 6-9 days, t search fetches up to 3,200 tweets via the REST API and then checks each one against a regular expression.
– Multi-threaded: Whenever possible, Twitter API requests are made in parallel, resulting in faster performance for bulk operations.
– Designed for Unix: Output is designed to be piped to other Unix utilities, like grep, comm, cut, awk, bc, wc, and xargs for advanced text processing.
– Generate spreadsheets: Convert the output of any command to CSV format simply by adding the –csv flag.
– 95% C0 Code Coverage: Well tested, with a 2.5:1 test-to-code ratio

Twitter API v1.1 requires OAuth for all of its functionality, so you’ll need a registered Twitter application.
A mobile phone number must be associated with your account in order to obtain write privileges.

The project developer is Erik Michaels-Ober.

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