
Last Updated on: 17th November 2023, 05:59 pm

Web site: weechat.org
Category: Network
Subcategory: IRC Clients
Platform: BSD, Hurd, Linux, OS X, Windows
License: GPL
Interface: Ncurses
First release: June 26, 2003

WeeChat – a fast, light and extensible chat client, with a text-based user interface.

WeeChat features:
– modular: a lightweight core with optional plugins
– multi-protocols architecture (mainly IRC)
– multi-platforms: Linux, Unix, BSD, GNU Hurd, Mac OS X and Windows (Bash/Ubuntu and Cygwin).
– extensible with C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Scheme, Javascript and PHP
– fully documented and translated into several languages
– a free program released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
– an active project with a large community for scripts.

WeeChat is designed to be light and extensible: a lightweight core with optional plugins.
Plugins and scripts can be dynamically loaded and unloaded at any time.
IRC plugin implements the protocol as described in the RFCs 1459 and 2812.
External interfaces (graphical or text) can connect to a running WeeChat.

The project developer is Sébastien Helleu.

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