
Last Updated on: 10th December 2023, 12:00 pm

Web site: write.as
Category: Network
Subcategory: Microblog Clients
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows, Android, iOS
License: Freeware
Interface: GUI, CLI
First release: 2015

Write.us – helps you create a blog, journal, or news­letter that readers will love to read. Create a home for your words, then fill it with writing, by yourself or with others. Write.as is the easiest way to publish your writing on the web. Whether you call it a blog, journal, publication or newsletter, Write.as helps you write more, manage less, and share your ideas with the world.

– Made for writing – Write.as removes roadblocks to writing, putting our clean editor front and center.
– Easy publishing – Press “Pub­lish” to send your words to the web, social me­dia, and sub­scri­bers.
– Ad-free – You’ll never see ads while you’re focused on your work, and neither will your readers.
– No distractions – The editor only gives you what you need to write, and auto­ma­ti­cally saves while you type.
– Start a minimal blog – No comments, spam, likes, or dis­trac­tions — just your words in your own digital space.
– Privacy by default – We don’t collect your personal data, so you can write freely. Publish anonymously or under any name you choose.

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