
Last Updated on: 4th December 2023, 05:49 pm

Web site: celestialsoftware.net
Category: Network, Tools
Subcategory: File Transfer, Terminal Emulators
Platform: Windows
License: Proprietary
Interface: CLI
First release: 1996

AbsoluteTelnet – a secure telnet and SSH client for Windows with SFTP file transfer and rock-solid emulations that is suitable for developers, administrators, or deployment across the enterprise.

It includes the industry standard SSH protocols to secure terminal session data across insecure environments such as the internet. Its new tabbed interface is a favorite among AbsoluteTelnet users, and new features are being added all the time.

The following terminal features are supported under all connection types (ssh, telnet, serial, and dialup):
– Passthru Printing
– emacs compatibility mode
– Keyboard Mapping
– Intuitive scrollback copy and paste
– Rock Solid emulations (VT52, VT100, VT220, VT320, ANSI, XTERM, WYSE60, QNX, SCO-ANSI, ANSIBBS )
– Support for all VT text attributes
– Supports any screen size and any font size
– VTTest score of 103
– Double high and double wide text support
– XTERM mouse support
– File Transfer (xmodem, ymodem, zmodem)
– sftp (SSH2 only)

The project developer is Brian Pence.

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