
Last Updated on: 23rd November 2023, 12:28 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: E-mail Clients
Platform: Linux, UNIX-like
License: GPL
Interface: CLI
First release: 2002 ?

Cone (console newsreader and emailer) – a text-based mail client. Cone seamlessly handles multiple POP3, IMAP accounts, and local mail folders. Cone is also a simple newsreader. Cone’s interface is foolproof enough to be used by inexperienced users, but it also offers advanced features for power users.

Cone has support for PGP, GPG, UTF-8, IMAP, POP3, incoming HTML mails, external viewers, NNTP, SOCKS 5, SSL/TLS, SASL, LDAP and IMAP based address books, remote storable configuration, multiple accounts, tagging mails with several different flags, and SMAP (Simple Mail Access Protocol, a new IMAP and POP3 replacement developed by the Courier guys and supported by the Courier development versions).

The project developer is Sam Varshavchik.

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