
Last Updated on: 19th November 2023, 01:56 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Wiki
Platform: Linux, UNIX-like
License: GPL
Interface: text, Web UI
First release: November 7, 2008

Gitit – an open source wiki program written in Haskell.

It uses Happstack for the web server and pandoc for markup processing. Pages and uploaded files are stored in a git, darcs, or mercurial repository and may be modified either by using the VCS’s command-line tools or through the wiki’s web interface.

By default, pandoc’s extended version of markdown is used as a markup language, but reStructuredText, LaTeX, HTML, DocBook, or Emacs Org-mode markup can also be used. Pages can be exported in a number of different formats, including LaTeX, RTF, OpenOffice ODT, and MediaWiki markup. Gitit can be configured to display TeX math (using texmath) and highlighted source code (using highlighting-kate).

Other features include:
– plugins: dynamically loaded page transformations written in Haskell
– categories
– TeX math
– syntax highlighting of source code files and code snippets (using highlighting-kate)
– caching
– Atom feeds (site-wide and per-page)
– a library, “Network.Gitit”, that makes it simple to include a gitit wiki in any happstack application

The project developer is John MacFarlane.

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