Last Updated on: 27th November 2023, 05:26 pm

Web site: github.com/Lallassu/gorss
Category: Network
Subcategory: RSS Readres
Platform: Linux, OS X
License: MIT
Interface: TUI
First release: September 20, 2019

GORSS – a simple, text based, highly configurable RSS/Atom reader written in Golang. The program offers support for highlighting specific words and themes.

– OPML Support for loading feed URLs (opmlFile in gorss.conf)
– Support for XDG configuration
– RSS and Atom support (via github.com/mmcdole/gofeed)
– Highlights for configurable words
– Keyboard shortcuts highly configurable
– Custom keys for custom execution of external applications
– Open links in browser
– Mark articles and open all marked in bulk in web browser
– Theme support
– Preview content of the RSS
– Backed by SQLite database
– Mark articles as read
– Mark all as read/unread
– Undo last read (mark it as unread)

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