
Last Updated on: 25th November 2023, 01:53 pm

Web site: nongnu.org/nmh/
Category: Network
Subcategory: Email Clients
Platform: Linux, UNIX-like
License: Modified BSD
Interface: CLI
First release: May 2002

nmh (new MH) – a powerful electronic mail handling system. It was originally based on version 6.8.3 of the MH message system developed by the RAND Corporation and the University of California. It is intended to be a (mostly) compatible drop-in replacement for MH. The MH was originally developed by Bruce S. Borden at RAND Corporation. Then Marshall T. Rose and John L. Romine at the University of California, Irvine, Information and Computer Sciences department maintained it until 1997 when version 6.8.5 was released.

nmh consists of a collection of fairly simple single-purpose programs to send, receive, save, retrieve, and manipulate e-mail messages. Since nmh is a suite rather than a single monolithic program, you may freely intersperse nmh commands with other commands at your shell prompt, or write custom scripts which use these commands in flexible ways.

All versions of nmh prior to 1.0.3 (as well as MH) contained a vulnerability where incoming mail messages with carefully designed MIME headers could cause the mhshow command to execute arbitrary shell code. Though the authors of nmh are not aware of any exploits of this hole, MH users and users of older versions of nmh are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the current version.

Front ends available:
– MH-V is a VI-like interface to mh.
– exmh is a TK-based GUI for mh.
– MH-E is an Emacs interface to mh.

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