Semantic MediaWiki+

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Category: Network
Subcategory: Wiki
Platform: Cross-platform
License: GNU GPL
Interface: Web-interface
First release: unknown

Semantic MediaWiki+ (SMW+) – an open-source, semantic enterprise wiki whose pages can be enriched with semantic annotations. Semantic annotations enable detailed knowledge exploration and visualization in various ways. Technically, it is a ready-to-use and pre-configured collection of MediaWiki extensions, such as Semantic MediaWiki and Halo.

SMW+ aims to make knowledge hidden in unstructured data accessible. It combines a collaborative wiki approach with semantic technology. SMW+ has its roots in the Halo project, which aims to provide scientists with a platform for collaborative knowledge creation in chemistry and physics. Machine-interpretable knowledge should be able to be written not only by specialized knowledge engineers, but also by a wide range of domain experts and end users.

SMW+ is used, among others, by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO as an online encyclopedia of oceanography. Other areas of application of SMW+ include project and knowledge management.

SMW+ was maintained by Ontoprise, which filed for bankruptcy in April 2012. As a result, SMW+ will not be maintained in its old form. The successor can be considered DataWiki, created by DIQA Projektmanagement GmbH.

Some components of SMW+ will be maintained in an open manner to the regular Semantic MediaWiki.

The SMW screenshot source: Wikipedia; License: GNU GPL 3.

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