
Last Updated on: 17th November 2023, 06:13 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: E-mail clients
Platform: BSD, Linux, OS X
License: GPL
Interface: CLI
First release: 2006 ?

Sup – a console-based email client for people with a lot of email.

It presents an interface of a list of threads, which are each hierarchical collections email messages. Threads can have multiple tags applied to them. It supports a very fast full-text search, automatic contact-list management, custom code insertion via a Ruby hook system, and more.

Features of Sup are:
– Handle massive amounts of email.
– Fast, local full-text index of messages.
– Mix email from different sources: mbox files and maildirs.
– Instantaneously search over your entire email collection. Search over body text, or use a query language to combine search predicates in any way.
– Handle multiple accounts. Replying to email sent to a particular account will use the correct SMTP server, signature, and from address.
– Add custom code to handle certain types of messages or to handle certain types of text within messages.
– Take care of your privacy with full support of gpg.
– Organize email with user-defined labels, automatically track recent contacts, and much more!

Sup is written in Ruby, originally by William Morgan, but now maintained and developed by the Sup community.

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