
Last Updated on: 23rd November 2023, 12:22 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Web Browsers
Platform: Linux, UNIX-like
License: GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: May 17, 2009

Uzbl – a lightweight browser based on uzbl-core. Uzbl adheres to the UNIX philosophy of “Write programs that do one thing and do it well”. The uzbl-browser package includes uzbl-core, uzbl-browser and uzbl-event-manager.

Uzbl-browser allows for a single page per window (with as many windows as you want), while uzbl-tabbed provides a wrapper for uzbl-browser and implements basic tabs with multiple pages per window.

– very minimal graphical interface. You only see what you need
– what is not browsing, is not in uzbl. Things like url changing, loading/saving of bookmarks, saving history, downloads, are handled through external scripts that you write
– controllable through various means such as fifo and socket files, stdin, keyboard and more
– advanced, customizable keyboard interface with support for modes, modkeys, multichars, variables (keywords) etc. (eg you can tweak the interface to be vim-like, emacs-like or any-other-program-like)
– focus on plaintext storage for your data and configs in simple, parseable formats

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