
Last Updated on: 17th November 2023, 05:22 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Instant Messengers
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: MIT
Interface: GUI
First release: September 16, 2015

Caprine – an unofficial and privacy focused, open source Facebook Messenger app with many useful features.

– Dark mode in the View menu or with Cmd D / Ctrl D.
– On macOS, you can toggle the window vibrancy effect in the View menu.
– You can choose to prevent people from knowing when you’ve seen a message or are currently typing. Both options are available under the Caprine/File menu.
– You can quickly disable receiving notifications from the Caprine/File menu or the Dock on macOS.
– Links that you click on will not be tracked by Facebook.
– You can switch conversations similar to how you switch browser tabs: Cmd/Ctrl n (where n is 1 through 9).
– The interface adapts when resized to a small size.
– Desktop notifications can be turned on in Preferences.
– Confirmation before sending images from the clipboard, to prevent accidental copy-pastes.
– Support for Work Chat: Messenger for Workplace.
– You can send code blocks by using Markdown syntax.

The project developer is Sindre Sorhus.

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