Last Updated on: 11th December 2023, 02:07 pm

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Category: Office
Subcategory: Text Editors
Platform: Windows
License: BSD
Interface: GUI
First release: unknown

ConTEXT – a small, fast and powerful freeware text editor, developed to serve as a secondary tool for software developers.

ConTEXT is an advanced programmers’ editor originally written by Eden Kirin over a decade ago and released as freeware. The editor quickly became popular as it was the arguably most powerful freeware editor for the Windows platform. Eden’s work and interests changed and he neglected updating the program for several years. In 2008, recognizing he no longer had time for ConTEXT, Eden sold ConTEXT to its current owner who has decided to open source the still widely popular editor. The ConTEXT community plans on improving and modernizing ConTEXT to better compete with today’s best freeware programmers’ editors.

– Unlimited open files
– Unlimited editing file size, 4kB line length
– Powerful syntax highlighting
– Powerful custom defined syntax highlighter
– Multilanguage support
– Project workspaces support
– Unicode UTF8 support
– Code templates
– Customizable help files for each file type
– File explorer with favorites list
– File compare
– Export to HTML/RTF
– Conversion DOS->UNIX->Macintosh file formats
– Editing position remembering across files
– Macro recorder
– Commenting/uncommenting code
– Text sort
– Normal and columnar text selection
– Bookmarks
– Search and replace with regular expressions
– Search and replace text in all open files
– Incremental search with text emphasizing
– C/Java-style block auto indent/outdent
– Customizable color printing with print preview
– Exporting configuration stored in registry
– Customizable syntax highlighter colors, cursors, margin, gutter, line spacing

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