
Last Updated on: 12th December 2023, 12:55 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Forums
Platform: Cross-platform
License: unknown (open-source)
Interface: Web-interface
First release: 2020 ?

ForumWP – a forum plugin for WordPress built by the team behind Ultimate Member. ForumWP provides you with all the tools to create a thriving online community on your website.

– Lightweight & Fast – No more page loads means faster, flowing conversations.
– Easy setup – Super simple to install and setup. ForumWP requires no coding knowledge. Get started in 2 minutes!
– Mobile responsive – ForumWP is built to look and work beautifully on mobile devices and tablets
– Theme integration – ForumWP inherits your theme’s button styles, fonts and colors so will blend effortlessly into your existing website.
– Clean design – A simple forum design makes engaging in discussions a joy for users
– Different layouts – Use a traditional forum design, modern latest topics view or both!
– Email notifications – Email notifications for users and forum moderators
– Easy moderation – Topics and replies can be moderated from both the front-end and wp-admin
– Solved pro feature – A simple forum design makes engaging in discussions a joy for users
– Private replies pro feature – A simple forum design makes engaging in discussions a joy for users
– Votes pro feature – A simple forum design makes engaging in discussions a joy for users
– Moderation pro feature – A simple forum design makes engaging in discussions a joy for users

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