
Last Updated on: 12th December 2023, 12:21 pm

Web site:
Category: Network
Subcategory: Wiki
Platform: Windows
License: unknown (open source ?)
Interface: Web-interface
First release: 2003

WikiAsp – a wiki server program written in ASP script designed to run under Microsoft ©Windows OS and IIS. As a derivative of the original Aspwiki engine, it is arguably one of the most effective wiki programs freely available.

– The minimal installation is 1-file (wiki.asp) on IIS. DB will be created.
– A simpler and cleaner layout
– Included upper-left icon/image.
– The program will work on most ASP Web hosts.
– Footnotes which are clickable links to move back and forth.
– Various topic lines format.
– Various Indentation styles.
– Prevents multiple-user-update.
– History of changes is [immediately] viewable.
– Starting page in an .INI file. The INI file can be db based.
– MicrosoftAccess Database can be easily switched from one to another.
– Optional use of CascadingStyleSheets to control look-and-feel. CSS can be db based.
– Unable-To-Type-TAB problem solved.
– Simple Coloring and other formatting enhancements, such as underlining.
– Alternate names for URL links (alias).
– Non-destructive way to indicate dangling WikiNames (no question mark links).
– Tables with row styles
– Inter-Wiki link
– RSS 2.0 feed
– Local (root relative) links, clickable image links
– Config file
– Password Protection for edit optional
– Invisible Footnotes
– Multi-CSS for each access db

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