Apache Roller

Last Updated on: 12th December 2023, 08:00 pm

Web site: roller.apache.org
Category: Network
Subcategory: Content Management System
Platform: Cross-platform
License: Apache License
Interface: Web-interface
Wikipedia: Apache Roller
First release: 2002

Apache Roller – an open source application offering a fully featured blogging platform. The application allows you to run many blogs at the same time, small or large, by many users. Roller was originally written by Dave Johnson in 2002.

Roller is a cross-platform application that runs on systems with the Java object-oriented programming language installed.
Roller supports various database systems.

– Multi-user blogging: can support thousands of users and blogs
– Group blogging with three permission levels: owner, editor, and drafter
– Support for comment moderation and comment spam prevention measures
– Bloggers have full control over blog layout/style via Apache Velocity-driven templates
– Built-in Lucene search engine indexes weblog entry content
– Support for blog clients that support MetaWeblog API
– All blogs have entry and comment feeds in both RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 formats
– Support for SEO: web analytics tracking keys, blog-entry specific Meta description elements

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